Fruit-Tree Seedlings

Best place To Get
Your Quality seedlings

We offer the best and cheap tree seedlings for growing on both small scale and large scale

About us

Fruit-tree seedlings is a private green company specialised in providing tree seedlings to all private companies and individuals.As a one-stop service provider,we strive to offer the best,cheap and quality seedlings for you.We are located in Matugga along Kawanda road in Uganda.Fruit-tree seedlings offers its services at a very reasonable price.We propose prices that are easily personalised for our customers.

We specialize in providing forestry services to all private Company and individuals. We provide improved, hybrid & indigenous seedlings to help you in farming.Our highly skilled team works directly with the clients providing 24/7 maintenance of valuable solutions

Our products

Below are some of the quick links to our products.We deal in quite a number of products;and these include: Avocado
Mangoes, Oranges, Apples, Passion fruits, Keiapple, Pawpaws, Strawberry, Guavas, Macademia, Cashew nuts, Starfruits, Pomegranates, Soursop, Jackfruit, Eucalyptus, Mahogany etc
hass tree

We offer all types of avocado seedlings
including Hass, Fuerte,Semil34 and so on at affordable prices


All varieties of strawberries are also available


We do offer the best orange seedlings in the market; Hamlin,Valencia,Washington,
Tangerine,Lemons etc


Tomy Atkins, Kent/TakaTaka, Apple Mangoes etc are also available


Get in touch

We are a private green firm specialised in providing tree seedlings to all people in and around Uganda at affordable prices.

Fruit-tree seedlings offers free consultation for any questions related to our services.Call us or Email us, we will definitely answer your questions.

We are committed and promise to deliver quality work and on time.We hope to have you as a customer soon.